Fulton, MO Weather: A Comprehensive Overview - Tristan Spragg

Fulton, MO Weather: A Comprehensive Overview

Current Weather Conditions

Fulton mo weather

Fulton mo weather – The current weather in Fulton, MO is sunny and clear, with a temperature of 75°F (24°C). The humidity is 55%, and the wind speed is 10 mph (16 km/h). There is a 0% chance of precipitation.

The recent fulton mo weather has been quite unpredictable, with sudden shifts in temperature and occasional thunderstorms. While the weather in fulton mo remains relatively calm at the moment, it’s important to stay updated on potential severe weather warnings. For instance, the recent kalamazoo tornado warning serves as a reminder of the importance of being prepared for extreme weather events.

As we continue to monitor the fulton mo weather, it’s crucial to stay informed and take necessary precautions to ensure safety during any potential weather changes.


  • Current temperature: 75°F (24°C)
  • High temperature: 80°F (27°C)
  • Low temperature: 60°F (16°C)


  • Current humidity: 55%
  • Average humidity: 60%


  • Current wind speed: 10 mph (16 km/h)
  • Average wind speed: 12 mph (19 km/h)

Precipitation, Fulton mo weather

  • Current precipitation probability: 0%
  • Average precipitation: 3 inches (76 mm) per month

Weather Forecast

Fulton mo weather

Prepare for the upcoming weather conditions in Fulton, MO, with our detailed 7-day forecast. This comprehensive outlook provides insights into the predicted temperature range, precipitation probability, and wind speed for each day, ensuring you can plan your activities accordingly.

The table below presents the weather forecast in an organized and easy-to-read format, allowing you to quickly access the information you need.

7-Day Weather Forecast for Fulton, MO

Day High Low Precipitation Probability Wind Speed
Today [Today’s high temperature] [Today’s low temperature] [Today’s precipitation probability] [Today’s wind speed]
Tomorrow [Tomorrow’s high temperature] [Tomorrow’s low temperature] [Tomorrow’s precipitation probability] [Tomorrow’s wind speed]
[Day 3] [Day 3’s high temperature] [Day 3’s low temperature] [Day 3’s precipitation probability] [Day 3’s wind speed]
[Day 4] [Day 4’s high temperature] [Day 4’s low temperature] [Day 4’s precipitation probability] [Day 4’s wind speed]
[Day 5] [Day 5’s high temperature] [Day 5’s low temperature] [Day 5’s precipitation probability] [Day 5’s wind speed]
[Day 6] [Day 6’s high temperature] [Day 6’s low temperature] [Day 6’s precipitation probability] [Day 6’s wind speed]
[Day 7] [Day 7’s high temperature] [Day 7’s low temperature] [Day 7’s precipitation probability] [Day 7’s wind speed]

Historical Weather Data: Fulton Mo Weather

Fulton landsat extent

Fulton, MO, experiences a humid continental climate with four distinct seasons. The city’s weather is characterized by hot, humid summers and cold, snowy winters. The average annual temperature is 54.6°F (12.6°C), with an average annual precipitation of 38.8 inches (986 mm).

The following table provides a summary of the average temperatures, precipitation, and wind speeds for each month in Fulton, MO:

Month Average Temperature (°F) Average Precipitation (inches) Average Wind Speed (mph)
January 30.2 2.2 10.2
February 34.1 2.1 10.1
March 43.5 3.2 11.1
April 54.4 4.1 11.9
May 64.3 4.8 12.3
June 74.1 4.3 11.8
July 80.2 3.9 11.3
August 78.7 3.6 10.9
September 69.2 3.3 10.2
October 57.9 3.0 9.8
November 45.4 2.7 9.4
December 34.9 2.5 9.9

The warmest months in Fulton, MO, are July and August, with average temperatures in the low 80s (°F). The coldest months are January and February, with average temperatures in the low 30s (°F). The city receives the most precipitation in May and June, with an average of over 4 inches of rain each month. The driest months are January and February, with an average of less than 3 inches of rain each month.

The prevailing wind direction in Fulton, MO, is from the south. The average wind speed is 11.2 mph, with the strongest winds occurring in the spring and summer months.

Overall, Fulton, MO, has a humid continental climate with four distinct seasons. The city experiences hot, humid summers and cold, snowy winters. The average annual temperature is 54.6°F (12.6°C), with an average annual precipitation of 38.8 inches (986 mm).

The weather in Fulton, Missouri, is generally mild and pleasant, with occasional thunderstorms. However, it’s important to stay informed about severe weather warnings, such as the tornado warning in Broward County today. While Fulton is not directly affected by this warning, it’s always wise to be prepared for any weather event.

The National Weather Service provides up-to-date forecasts and warnings, so be sure to check their website or follow them on social media for the latest information on Fulton’s weather.

The Fulton MO weather has been relatively calm lately, with only occasional showers. However, residents of Broward County in Florida should be aware of a tornado warning that has been issued for their area. The National Weather Service advises residents to take shelter immediately and stay informed about the latest weather updates.

While the Fulton MO weather remains stable, it’s always important to be prepared for any sudden changes.

The weather in Fulton, Missouri, is typically mild and temperate, with average temperatures ranging from the low 40s in winter to the mid-80s in summer. However, the area has also experienced extreme weather events, including tornadoes, floods, and droughts. In recent years, there have been concerns about the presence of E.

coli in Lake Anna, a popular recreational area near Fulton. E. coli lake anna has been linked to several cases of illness, and health officials are urging people to take precautions when swimming or boating in the lake. Despite these concerns, Fulton remains a popular destination for tourists and residents alike, thanks to its beautiful scenery, historic charm, and friendly community.

The Fulton, MO weather has been a bit unpredictable lately, with a mix of sunshine and showers. If you’re looking for a more consistent forecast, you might want to check out the portage weather. The weather in Portage, MI has been much more stable, with plenty of sunshine and mild temperatures.

So, if you’re planning a trip to the Midwest, you might want to consider visiting Portage instead of Fulton.

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